Tuesday, March 3, 2009

quick one

Tonight I had my first basketball training session. I forgot how much I loved sports. It was good fun. Im keen to get into it. I had a few knee issues as a kid which meant I had to stop playing sport when I hit grade 7. I hated that. So this is good.. I am excited to get back into sport.

Now - I have to be quick. I promised myself I would be in bed early tonight because I had a late one last night chilling with Nick, Katie and Jas. Loved it - always do. Something I realised about chillin sessions is that even if I literally just sit and chill and do not much else, I still walk away feeling refreshed and motivated.. something sparks inside me when I'm around close friends. I totally get why fellowship is needed. Last night I kinda said something along the lines of 'I sometimes get caught up in the meantime or the future.. never a balance between the two'.. and I started thinking about it all day today.. what is my passion for now.. and what is my passion for the future? I honestly have no idea.. for the now I know I am so committed to my kids in my class and would consider them a very high priority of mine.. I know that I want to be used by God in any way He chooses, and at the moment that seems to be through my work, mainly.

When thinking about the future.. I can't pinpoint a single thing I want to do passionately.. except.. I love being the support for someone who does have a passion.. if that makes sense? I enjoy so much encouraging others in their passion and I think that at the moment I am being used in that way with a lot of different people in a lot of different ways.. hmm.. its hard to put my thoughts into words.

It gets me excited though.. where will I be in ten years? With who? Doing what? Still blogging? Ha!.. possibly and probably still asking myself the same questions..

so I am just going to live with a will to do what I am called to do, and a faith that I will know (or not know but somehow end up) doing what I am meant to do..


OH! ...and... I made some amazing banana muffins tonight. Josh said he couldn't find a fault in them.. YAY! There is hope for the hopeless muffin maker!

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