Monday, July 27, 2009


I'm having a day off work today because last night I had a horrible fever and had some pretty wacked dreams that kept me awake all night, along with coughing and such.

Yesterday I was feeling sick but went to work anyway because I didn't have a fever or anything. I had a total of ONE student turn up for class. The rest all called in sick with fevers and aches. Fantastic. We had a couple of cases of swine flu in the small town where my school is, but they were isolated and we thought we escaped it infecting the town... Perhaps not? I'm kind of hoping it is swine so that I'm done and dusted with it.

My principal called today to tell me that there were no students at school today. Everyone has been hit by it, probably good that it happens all at once!

In other news... I have my phone back :-) its funny how much I rely on it without even realising. It was quite nice not having it for the week, but very frustrating too.

Consider yourself updated.

weak words

dont say it
dont write it
dont imply it
dont hint it

dont come out, I'm not dressed to play
dont trouble me with it
if you will just take it all away

the words are weak
the tone is deep
the timing is out
the mouth dry like drought

dont trouble me with it
if you will just take it away someday
because I hold tight to the notion
that you mean every word you say

Friday, July 24, 2009

Justice vs Payback

A post about justice.. and the way the world seems to understand the word.

This morning i found myself reading articles about a 6wk old puppy named 'Buckley' who was found in a school yard in VIC earlier this month with his ears and tail hacked off. A 32 year old man was charged and is now spending time in a rehabilitation unit for an undetermined amount of time.

Ive never really looked into animal cruelty - never really experienced anything that spurred me to. I used to live with a vegan who was dead set against any form of cruelty.. which is probably what most people would claim as their stance. She was pretty extreme - but had a different understanding of justice compared to those who have posted their opinions about the recent puppy attack.

While reading through some comments that were posted online I began to feel a real sense of evil at work. Here are some comments posted on a forum about the puppy

"If he is allowed to live, one day he might try it on humans. For all the 'Do Gooders' out there that think this person should be rehabilitated, i hope he tries it on you or your kids. He should be killed to avoid another occurance of this type of behaviour. Amen."

"There is NO excuse for that bastard did to poor Buckley, If i had my way i would cut his Ears and Testicles and see how he feels"

"hand the gutless 32 year old over to me ... i'll show him what pain really feels like .... he'll wish he had the death penalty when i've finished with him .... the same goes to anyone that harms an animal ....."

"why put em in prison........just shoot the basteds and free up the system ??"

"The fucken prick that did this should be killed how would he like it if i cut his ears, dick,balls off and let him bleed and let him feel the pain he is a sick person , who needs help people like him should be killed .some people are fucked in the head."

"I think people who have this stuff in their right mind, should be punished with what they did to the victim then strung out in the desert to die slowly! Obviously put on you tube so all can see and laugh!"

I could post thousands.. literally. Reading through all the comments there was probably 1 in every 100 that didn't suggest hurting/killing the guy who did this. I spent a few hours reading these because I became so intrigued with the way people view justice. It seems the word justice = payback.

This makes me really sad. Justice is something that is talked about more in the bible than most other things that Christians focus on. It is so sad to have lost the true meaning and essence of the word.

The comments that upset me the most are the ones that acknowledge this guy has something wrong with him, but then proceed to suggest he should be killed because of it. I don't know about you, but this gives me the chills and it is something we need to start educating people about.. not in a 'come to a lecture and hear what I have to say about justice' way.. more of a live it out and show grace and mercy and compassion in the little things as well as the big things in our lives that show the true essence of justice.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


There are 3 things that give me goosebumps and send shivers (good ones) right through me.

1. Spiritual moments of amazement
2. Seeing people achieve
3. Music

It is a physical reaction in my body that I can't control, and it actually feels quite uncomfortable - but in a way its pretty rad too. It happens quite often in the job that I am in.. I see students 'click' with certain concepts and achieve goals most days, which is cool. I listen to music constantly, and would consider myself to be quite in touch with my spirituality- so, I get the shivers quite regularly..but each time it is still a weird feeling and hasn't become normal just yet!

I have lots of favourite songs.. a new one each day.. and people often tell me that I always say "this is my favourite song"... hmmm I think I have quite a few that I would find it hard to choose between if I had to decide on a favourite.

There are lots of aspects of a good song that I love... but recently it has been the lyrics that grab me more than the quality or talent of the music itself.

This is the chorus of one of my favourite songs...

"The closer I come to you
the closer I am to finding God
You're a miracle to me"
-Cadence by Anberlin-

I don't really get what the song is about because looking at the lyrics it could be about a chicky or a daughter or a few other possibilities..perhaps not even about a person.. but I love it because I know there are definitely a few people in my life who have this effect on me... one in particular.. it seems the closer we become, the more I find God - and not just mushy fluffy good stuff.. I mean the more I am challenged to love certain people, the more I am also challenged to love that they are one of God's own.. its a rather interesting journey!

So.. in saying that.. I realised today (mid-rant about how annoyed I am about something) that these times are actually a blessing and perhaps they are a little miracle at work in me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

in the alone times

hidden in the pillowslips are the words she set free
buried in the fabric lay her tears - a stream
a fallen tear at night, leaving no tracks
her hollow cry to the stitches
the ones who don't talk back

Saturday, July 18, 2009

When An Athiest Promises God

it is as though his heart is purpose built
to withstand the piercing strikes of resounding guilt
infront of her eyes he disguises his hesitation
but my eyes saw past those of the content congregation
why would he stumble on words of a promise and cease
if he has no faith, no conviction to believe
in the moment he lacked confidence to maintain his stance
i saw his heart rip, a strike to counter the balance

Friday, July 17, 2009


On my way to work this morning I was thinking and reflecting on recent events/feelings/choices and my mind was chucking a psycho. I couldn't focus and think without all these crazy thoughts popping in and out and clouding my mind. I gave up on the reflecting and just turned up the tunes and enjoyed a nice drive to work.

On my way home from work I drove past a lake that I drive past every day - today it took my breath away! It was SO still and clear and it was a perfect mirror reflecting the gorgeous mountains and blue sky that surrounds the valley I drive through. It was amazing - literally stunning. I started thinking about this - I see that lake every day, and I see the mountains and the surroundings twice a day, every day.. but Ive never been stunned by it.. until I saw it reflected in the lake in the most perfect way..

I thought about life - and my attempt to reflect earlier in the day... and I came to the conclusion that life is like a lake. Go figure.

Basically - we can't understand what happens in life, and we cant reflect and see things as they are unless we be still, clear our mind of all the pond gunk, and just let our thoughts see our circumstances like a still lake sees the world.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

time will pass

Time will pass and I won't think of you anymore

A sad thought

My eyes will find brighter lights to see and I won't look for you anymore

A distant picture

Plans and dreams will take over my focus and I won't rely on you anymore

A freedom I need

Louder voices will interfere with your words and I won't hear you anymore

A waste of good ground

I will look to others to share my deepest thoughts and talk only the surface with you, my friend

A rich relationship come to an end

I will run from you and not chase after you anymore

Because I would rather trip over my own feet than tread on yours

We will forget each step that got us here and remember the ones that pushed us away

a shame, a waste, a lesson learnt
- heart that's left taught, but burnt-

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

empty half gone

When you wake up with a melody on your breath, a beat in your soul, and a rhythm in your step - you have found your song.

Today I got back from 'music camp'. I took my students to a little camp site out in the middle of some mountain ranges in Tasmania. The site is right down in a valley, soooo cold and wet.. We spent a lot of our time inside by the fire learning new instruments and jamming. It was tiring, but sweet. At one point we decided to climb up one of the mountains (not the whole way!) just high enough to get to the waterfall that was in full action - gorgeous. It was a fun treck... Slippery and scary and quite dangerous... But it made me realise how much I love that kind of thing. I'm considering doing a hike up one of tasmanias bigger tracks sometime soon. I think it could be quite an adventure.

Watching the students pick up new instruments and give them a go was an interesting experience... I think it's a lot like life... One girl picked up the flute and persevered with it for about 45 mins. She could get a sound out of it and was doing alright, but as soon as she picked up the sax she knew she was on the money! Some people are just naturally talented at some instruments.. Got the right physical make-up for it.. I was like that on sax, but had to teach myself how to sing and really practice hard at guitar... Not a natural at either of those, but with sax it took nothing for me to become quite good.

Life can be like that. We can persevere with something because we can do it if we work hard at it... But I believe we will exceed all our expectations when we find the path we are made to walk on... Not suggesting we won't need any practice!

Friday, July 10, 2009

fallen mans praise

a heavy heart
confused but determined
wanting to hear from you
but not quite ready to talk
admiration - but frustrated with those who 'know the way' and 'what to say'
cut out the thoughts that push for an explanation
questioning purpose
asking for confirmation

when his mouth is empty of words
all he has are doubts and questions
he chooses to deny
but still fears to know
when he lets his heart rage
you should know -
this is a fallen mans praise

Thursday, July 9, 2009

hard knock love

In the words of katy perry

"you're hot and you're cold, you're yes and you're no, you're in and you're out, you're up and you're down... Blah blah bollocks blah blab"

I don't care too much for katy perry's musical whatever- apart from the fact that her songs are quite catchy and aren't too bad for jumping around the kitchen while cooking savoury scones.

Today I have been contemplating recent events and have realised that in this moment I am developing into who I am yet to become. I could get all bitter and narky about people when they aren't what I expected them to be - or I could accept that they too are on a journey and tomorrow will be slightly different than today (perhaps?).

Sometimes when it is your close friends it is harder to accept that fact, especially when I love them too much to stand by and see them not loving themselves.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sam Cawthorn

Earlier this year I was taking part in a leadership camp for young christians who want to be inspired to live their life in a way that inspires others, and particularly the young ones who attend their youth groups and camps. I was invited to run a workshop at the this camp and I enjoyed doing it, to the point where I became a bit inspired to continue teaching young adults and perhaps one day train in adult learning or something of some sort... but what really inspired me on this camp was a guy called Sam Cawthorn. He was the 'keynote speaker' of the camp and also considers himself a worldwide motivational speaker. You may have heard the story of Sam..

Sam was in a very nasty car accident a few years ago on the NW Coast of Tasmania. His story is amazing. I have been watching a few of his youtube clips and this one stuck out to me.

He says in one part "problems define you - if you dont have problems, get down on your knees and ask for some!"

Check it out - you might find yourself inspired :-)

If you want to check out his official website you can have a squiz here.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

a call to persevere

He who is able to keep me from falling and to present me before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy - to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore.

Jude 12:24

Great joy- he presents us before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy... Exactly what my heart needed to hear. What an amazing God. I often wonder about the way God is represented.. how many
Non-christians (and quite a large percentage of believers) would not think of God as someone who takes great joy in us.. Who longs for our presence with him because it brings him great joy.. It blows my mind just thinking about it.. seems like such a far off amazing ideal.. but it's as real as it gets.. amazing.

Monday, July 6, 2009

in between

harsh words
ive heard them before
no offence to me
but my heart hit the floor

something so simple
such a complex reaction
I knew it, I guess
I just never adapted

I did it again
ridiculous mistake
time taught me nothing
feelings a fake

but it wasn't just me this time
others saw it too!
encouragement is not guaranteed good
the current state of my heart is proof.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


How is it that I can be content in my situation, and have things in my life that make me happy- but still not be satisfied?

I've been sitting in coles carpark eating a banana and some rice crackers in my car. While I've been chillin I've been observing and pondering and questioning and confusing myself.

People walking past me (I assume are husband in wife) not saying a word to each other, just plodding along into the supermarket to do the groceries just like every other time. Routine - something my life lacks a little, but I like it that way.

Today in the docs surgery the ladies behind the counter all had little black suits on and their hair all primmed and proper and their fingers were laced with a million different gold rings with big chunky stones sticking out of them. Their lips all had plum lippy perfectly applied and their nails were all long and painted the frenchy style. As I walked up to the counter one lady looked at me expectantly, and I looked back at her also expectantly... When did people stop asking how your day is and how they can help you? So I smiled and waited for her to ask.. It took an awkward moment or two but eventually she said "is there anything I can do for you?"..

Are people becoming a little numb?

I remember going to maccas a few years ago and there was a young chubby blonde girl working there, obviously her first day. She was bright and bubbly and so willing to help out as much as she could.. Not sure if she was just trying to impress her new boss or not but I felt like she genuinely wanted to serve me my cheeseburger.. Not something that's too common these days! A few weeks later I was at the same store ordering some deep fried health and that same girl was there doing her thing. It made me sad because it only took a couple of weeks for this young bright bubbly girl to lose the eye contact, the smile, the tone, and the evident attitude of a willing servant. It had numbed her.

So in conclusion to this random rant, I want to protect myself from ever becoming numb to my surroundings. I like my job because it keeps me actively thinking all the time and I get to be creative.. but one day I might get sick of that I will try somethng else.. Who knows!

Bring on the randomness and bring on the journey.

a song I like

We all get burnt sometimes
Lately I've had mine
Starts off in your mind
Runs right down your spine

Cracks all start to show
Sooner than you know

We all get taken in
By dreams we'll never be in
Problems that we face
Soon will be replaced

You're looking for something
You already know
I'm down upon my knees
I see you're ready to fall

Friday, July 3, 2009

acrostic crapè

Beyond the Physical

Priorities clash with pleasures
Reasoning gets shot
Obscure desire to temp fate
My insecurities forsake my fighting will
Indecent excuse
Something the 'old man' would say
Even still, I let it be said.

I will keep - this promise - is kept

Wanting to skip the faith part
It could just be an esteem crank
Lies from the inside
Love a fake

Keeping it is the easy part
Every step just follows the other
Envy those who don't need to
Promise to believe in and trust in another.