Thursday, July 9, 2009

hard knock love

In the words of katy perry

"you're hot and you're cold, you're yes and you're no, you're in and you're out, you're up and you're down... Blah blah bollocks blah blab"

I don't care too much for katy perry's musical whatever- apart from the fact that her songs are quite catchy and aren't too bad for jumping around the kitchen while cooking savoury scones.

Today I have been contemplating recent events and have realised that in this moment I am developing into who I am yet to become. I could get all bitter and narky about people when they aren't what I expected them to be - or I could accept that they too are on a journey and tomorrow will be slightly different than today (perhaps?).

Sometimes when it is your close friends it is harder to accept that fact, especially when I love them too much to stand by and see them not loving themselves.

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