Monday, July 27, 2009


I'm having a day off work today because last night I had a horrible fever and had some pretty wacked dreams that kept me awake all night, along with coughing and such.

Yesterday I was feeling sick but went to work anyway because I didn't have a fever or anything. I had a total of ONE student turn up for class. The rest all called in sick with fevers and aches. Fantastic. We had a couple of cases of swine flu in the small town where my school is, but they were isolated and we thought we escaped it infecting the town... Perhaps not? I'm kind of hoping it is swine so that I'm done and dusted with it.

My principal called today to tell me that there were no students at school today. Everyone has been hit by it, probably good that it happens all at once!

In other news... I have my phone back :-) its funny how much I rely on it without even realising. It was quite nice not having it for the week, but very frustrating too.

Consider yourself updated.

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