Saturday, February 28, 2009


retrace each step - over and over..
..there's no harm in drawing, right?
drawing - blame, shame, regret.
drawing conclusions - it can't be erased

rub it out - but everyone wants to know intricate details
write a script to answer generic questions
cover it all in one go - limit the dialogue

"so who's fault?"go on, suggest it a few more times.. because I'm not feeling bad enough..
"go carefully.. take it slow.. you're bloody lucky.."
i know.
i know.
i know you care, but I'm a little vulnerable right now.
perhaps its paranoia - either you or me

sketch is getting messy
retrace, retrace, try to erase, retrace.
a messed up, screwed up canvas
stepping back i see this scribble fits
it has a perfect place on the wall
it fits
it is but a tiny piece of the bigger picture

- not such a mistake.


nickflight said...

great poem coz, great ending!!!

totally got it, totally dug it, couldn't have communicated it any better!! keep up the radness!!

stef said...

i like it alot!