Saturday, February 7, 2009


Last night we were at the beach and Simon pointed out that wherever you walk, it seems the moons reflection is one big beam of light reflected off the water that ends up pointing directly at you.. Its strange. Have u ever seen this? I'm not scientifically minded.. nor am i a logical thinker when it comes to this stuff.. but I am intrigued.

Anyway - the moon was amazing on the water last night.. I ended up just sitting watching the water for hours with some peeps. It was very relaxing.. although the drive home was not so nice.. I was tired by the time I left.. which I believe was about 1am. But hey.. totally worth it.

Its always amazing when I just sit and take in the beauty we have all around us. Especially the ocean.. when I look straight out I am looking at the same scene that every generation before me would have seen as they looked out.. there is no evidence of man's existence (perhaps an occasional satellite passing by waaaaaaaaay up in the night sky, or a tiny red light out at sea).. but it is like time is no factor.. I could have been sitting there a million years ago and would have been witnessing the same beauty I saw last night.

Just my thoughts.

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