Thursday, February 5, 2009

the grip and the pull

just a book but wow a novel
sandy ground, no rough thick gravel
3 months - but 12 weeks sounds so much longer
he is tough but of course he is much much stronger
ouch it hurt and now its diagnosed
no 'actually' about the treatment, it is all just supposed.
it is full halfway but it is overflowing
push it a bit further without you knowing
a crack in the glass is now a smashed window
the game becoming habit, the life becoming low.
the rules appear a game of heart
why would she say this - setting her beliefs apart
but the game my friend is a trick of the mind
anyone can fall for it at any one time
beware of the monster who grabs at your thoughts
who tames your conscience to believe it is not false
he rips at your reasoning, he tears your moral state
he will get you to believe it to which point it is too late
too late to go back and retrace for retrieval
time to start new, erase and rid evil.

1 comment:

nickflight said...

nice rhythm on that one... if someone wanted to they could nearly rap it i think. definitely some rad images in that one too... nice poem coz