Wednesday, March 25, 2009

back in the day

ok, safe to say I have blogged too much tonight already but I just can't switch my thoughts off. I want to write so much but I will refrain!

So anyway - I read back over some of the old myspace surveys and crap I used to post about a year ago.. what the!? Who is that girl who used to write that crap? I am actually feeling very very embarrassed and highly concerned for the people who read that and thought that it was a true reflection of me - perhaps it was at the time.. who knows.. but reading back over it I am embarrassed and wanting to hit delete.. unfortunately.. I know the damage is done and people have read it. Oh well.

Isn't it funny how in a year from now I will probably read back over this blog and be embarrassed about what I am writing now.. I think the more I grow and mature the more I realise how far I have got to go.. I truly think I am still growing in a big way and havent come to any sort of a plateau as yet.. and thats a good thing!

So tonight I am going to pimp this page with thoughts.. apologies to those who read every word.. I have a lot of words tonight.

1 comment:

stef said...

i'll be reading as my thoughts are swooning as well.