Thursday, April 16, 2009

a tired day 6

Listening to: hot hot heat

So Im lying on the floor of my brothers apartment that overlooks the city from the 5th floor. I'm tired. Today I ditched my backpack and went to the city. I had no plans, just a day of walking around taking in the city vibe.

I'm not a fan of the city. It's way too full on and dirty. I hate that no one looks at you unless they are staring. People don't smile unless they are selling you something, and there are too many people on the pavement trying to get you to sign up to their worthy causes.

It's just too much for me! I love Sydney and other larger cities but melb is not for me!

Today I was walking along with my tunes in my ears to keep me company. I was listening to leeland and thinking about the city life and the lack of eye contact between people when I got caught off guard by an Irish sounding fella. He came up to me as if he was reading my thoughts. I first noticed him when he was approaching me with a big smile and a cute wave to grab my attention. I waved back with a smile thinking that maybe he was just a friendly stranger. He said "and how are you today?" and I replied "good thanks" and shot him a quick smile and continued walking. He walked along beside me and stuck out his hand. In his quirky Irish accent he said "I'm tom. Can I have a hand cuddle?"

It made me laugh and I got all embarrassed! I shook his hand and continued walking in my polite but please-go-away-you-are-making-me-nervous kind of fashion. He skipped along beside me for a few steps and then he said "well it was nice to see you smile...see you!"

It was quite the cutest thing.

Soon after that I was getting a coffee from a little place in Melbourne central station. I ordered my drink and then turned to sit down and realized I was standing right next to a guy I was great friends with in my first and second years of uni! I said hey and he recognized me after a second and then I caught up with him and his wife for a while. That was cool.

I always seem to bump into people I know when I'm in melb. Later in the afternoon I saw my friend from launceston. We also caught up for a drink. It was good times.

Then I jumped on a train to go to prahran in attempt to get out of the city and do some shopping. I ended up in JB HIFI buying all sorts of specials.

I bought sigor ros. Alternative. Very different. But I appreciate what they do. I like it.

Sooooooo... Tomorrow I'm off to traralgon.

I'm hoping to book a flight home for Tuesday. Ready for a cuddle with george and a sleep in my own bed!

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