Saturday, April 25, 2009

bouncy bouncy

I would like to bounce some ideas off you so please let me know what you think!

Matthew 5:38
You have heard that it was said 'eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' but I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.

I just got thinking about this. This verse is often used as a 'don't get angry.. Show the love of Christ' kinda thing. And I thought... Does god really want us to just keep getting slapped around or what? Then I thought about it logically... Why the direct reference to the right cheek? Let's think about it.. Most people are dominant in their right hand.. So going by the assumption that people would hit with their dominant hand it would be a reasonable assumption to say that the bible is referring to someone hitting you on your right cheek with their right hand..which would be a backhanded slap (which is an act of disrespect) Because it's pretty hard to punch someone on their right cheek with your right hand. You with me?

So.. Assuming this is all ok so far.. I'm going to suggest that what this verse could really be saying is that if we get slapped (maybe not just physically, but metaphorically) that we should not take that disrespect, but to turn our other cheek so that it then becomes an even battle so to speak, instead of a master slapping a servant kinda thing. When you turn your left cheek they cant slap you anymore - they have to punch you if they want to hit you. When you turn the other cheek, suddenly you are on even standing... Instead of being the one disrespected.
I'm struggling to think of a better way to explain it, but it's like when you turn that cheek you are saying "hit me like I'm worth hitting.. Not just like I'm a piece of slavery that means nothing to you.. Hit me like a man."

"do not resist an evil person"... Sometimes I think this part of the verse gets overlooked. Don't resist it... Turn that cheek and take them on.

I'm not sure..I just think there is a reason for the detail in the scripture.. And it is worth thinking about.

I have no idea how valid any of my thinking is on this.. And I'm not 100% convinced I'm right or anything.. I never am! It's always good to explore things and bounce ideas.

The verse continues and I have a few more theories that follow on from this.. But I will start with this!


1 comment:

nickflight said...

very good interpretation coz, I think that what you have written is what Christ meant when he said it.