Thursday, October 30, 2008

I am I am.. I am I am.. I think I am..

I have recently been enjoying BBQs in my backyard with quality people having quality conversations and generally enjoying some quality time.

It is nice to sit back and chillax once in a while. I am liking this lifestyle.. but I am also craving a bit of direction now.. I like to be busy.. and Im feeling like a bit of a slacker.. so bring on some work or something!

Hmmm.. long weekend.. any excuse for another BBQ.

1 comment:

nickflight said...

can't wait to have a bbq with u sometime soon... sorry ive been so unavailable lately.... katies been studying for exams and ive just been working insanely. everyday of long-weekend i work which means bucks for me but no chillage for me which is a bit sad but necessary. things are freeing up more though and the cozmeister is very much top priority for flights.