Monday, October 6, 2008

Cleaning out the Closet

Tonight my life is different

Formally choosing to shut you away in my emotions chest

Instead have chosen to cast you out

There is no room in my drawers for you and your baggage

No energy left to deal with the frustration

Tonight my life is different

Tonight you are not part of it

I am at the point in life where I am realising a lot of the issues that are big to me dont need to be. I have been dealing with people, things, situations, feelings and memories for way too long that are really no longer a part of who I am. I dont need these things, yet I still cling to them because the give me some kind of happiness on the odd occasion. I dont need that. I am letting go with grace and peace and am determined to find forgiveness in myself. Part of this process is cutting ties with certain people. I realised that they have such an emotional tie to the things that get me down.. I know it seems severe. I am sad but relieved.

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