Thursday, October 23, 2008


Oh my golly giddy gallabians! I just saw some pics that were taken of me a year ago for a wedding I was in. These pics weren't the glamour pics that everyone takes these days, angled from the roof so you lose that double chin and manage to hide all those extra kgs... these pics were just of us girls cruising around the house getting ready for the wedding - natural.

Anyway - I just looked through them all and couldn't believe my eyes. Since that time last year I have shed 27kgs and people are now saying how awesome im looking, but in all honesty I have wondered why the heck I cant see the difference.. I think it is because all the pics I have to look back on are just head shots or glamour style... but looking back on these pics.. FAR OUT. I can't believe I used to look like that. I am actually embarrassed for myself. I must have been in denial.. because I was never too worried about how I looked, always happy with myself.. which is a good thing, but not great for my health.

These days it is different. I am really aware of how I look.. which can be good and bad.. but far out.. I am just glad I dont look like that anymore!

I am shocked. I never realised how big I was.
I feel so embarrassed.

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