Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sleepless Nights

Don't you just love it when you are so tired - but cant sleep.

I was flaking out on the couch about 2 hours ago.. almost dead to the world.

I said my goodbyes to facebook friends and jumped into bed.

Laying there - eyes closed - talking to myself amongst my thoughts..

No sleep.

My mind decided not to shut off.

So I got up, did a few easy exercises on the random apparatus we have in our house.

Jumped back into bed. Not enough. Need to get rid of more energy.

Got up again, onto the bike this time. Did a 5km sprint ride. An attempt to burn baby burn all that energy... Now I am wide awake.

Made a fruit salad for tomorrow. Now I'm just hungry! Its 2am.. I should be sleeping. Instead I am blogging.

This is annoying. Lately I can't sleep. I have had a friend stay over the last couple of nights this week and its been great to lay awake chatting into the night, falling asleep at some point.. but when I'm on my own, my thoughts just wont give in.

I find this ridiculous. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

stef said...

when i cant sleep...i open my eyes real real wide and dont let myself blink for ages...then i get sore eyes...and boom...im out. haha. yeah im weird