Sunday, September 28, 2008

6 years later..

Wynyard is a small place. I just got chatting to a girl I went to high school with. I haven't seen her in years so it was crazy to see how she is doing. She has 3 kids all to different guys and is living in Wynyard still, working as a consultant for a company similar to avon. I asked her if she had seen our friend Leah recently and she said something along these lines:

''yeah she works at woolies and is wif matt who has 2 kids to helen on king island, not the matt im wif but the matt that tacca was wif in high school. Im wif matt that was wif hilary. Helen is on king island wif matts brother and matts kids. Leah has no kids yet but shes doing great.''

WHOA! Hang on a second.. these are my girls!!! Whats happened? I said how crazy it is that we have all ended up in different situations in life.. and asked her if she ever dreamed of being a mum to 3 kids by 21.. she said no..

I think she would make a wonderful mum.. and kids are not something to be seen as a burden in her life.. but i just wonder where she would be if she chose to break out of the small town when she still had all these dreams of becoming a makeup artist and traveling the world. Not everyone has to get out and travel etc.. but I do clearly remember we had so many conversations in high school about young mums and how we wanted to experience a bit of the world before any of that.. and now I feel a little sad for her... but at the same time so proud that she is being an amazing mum to her kids.

Anyway - it just got me thinking about it.. because I wonder how small decisions (and big ones) can ultimately change the course of life.. and will I be making mistakes if I choose to go places, when clearly my heart is here.. I dont know.. I am just scared. Scared to make the wrong decision. Even more scared to make the right decision.

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