Thursday, August 6, 2009


So tonight my ladies team played basketball, as usual for a Thursday evening. I have always prefered mixed team sports instead of all girls because of one reason - boys seem to play competitive but fair, whereas girls are just rude and bitchy, especially tonight.

These girls were something else.. I could tell from the start it was going to be a bad game but kept my cool and just went with it, until the ref started egging on the other team. Loser. His comments stirred up the girls enough to start taking it all a bit too seriously and before I knew it I was copping a ball to the face because one girl got a bit too into it. I was just playing the game! Nasty. Now I'm sporting a healthy shiner.

I don't get angry very often - never enough to actually show how I'm feeling. I'm that girl who goes silent and walks away from it. I stew over it for long enough to realise it's not worth stewing over, and then it's all over and done with. Refresh. Move on... But tonight I am left with such a bitterness towards the ref (not so much the girls), because he was so unfair and quite cruel. Do I speak up to the organisers? It bothers me that he works there and is meant to be the one moderating the game, but instead he is stirring up anger.. Hmmm I'm not usually one to 'complain' or write letters or make a fuss..but maybe I should.

1 comment:

nickflight said...

sorry to hear it Coz, that's a crazy thing to happen!!

sport is supposed to be fun and enjoyable and fair and especially at the level you are playing. referee's are supposed to at least try to be fair, not intentionally biased.

what you have described is a shame, and even though I don't know the details I wish it didn't happen.

when I was a kid and played basketball the referees were often parents of kids who played, or other "senior" kids from other teams. the were biased. but the guy you described sounds like a downright troublemaker.

I hope this was resolved.

It is hard to know when to stand up for what is right, and when to just let things slide. some fights are more important than others.

justice is justice, but perhaps only if this becomes an ongoing occurrence you should speak up for justice, but if it is a once off you should let it slide. sometimes its best to let bygones be bygones but if it affects the culture of the league or other individuals it might be time to be the voice for the downtrodden.