Thursday, May 28, 2009


Work has been quite interesting lately. I'm loving my job- but getting quite passionate about things to come. It seems that being content, happy, challenged but comfortable, and satisfied is not enough... I still know there is more to come and although this is a great little job I've landed, there is more!

I am having to do a bit of a self edit and moral check in recent times.. It seems that my values and beliefs don't quite line up with those of the organisation I work in.. or perhaps they do line up but the process of embracing those beliefs and values doesn't line up with how I personally choose to live them out. I'm finding myself getting a bit high and mighty about it all and thinking I'm right and they are mislead- but I am just as failable as the next man. So- I am having a bit of an inner battle between my morals and my work ethic.. And then there is the whole "there is more" thing.

It's such a bizarre circumstance to be completely satisfied with my job, loving the people and the position and everything about it... But still wanting that something more.

I love the challenges I'm facing re the values and morals because when you have to fight for your beliefs you really have to be sure of them and that takes a lot of self editing and reality checks.. So I live for those opportunities to extend my faith and need to call on god for his wisdom and grace and such. I live for those moments.

I guess this post is an unorganised, unedited, ramble about my life and where it's at.

Consider yourself updated, loved, missed, and lucky to read such a damn sexy blog.

Corrie x

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