Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ask No Questions

Some sayings that I hear all the time - in general conversation.. I'm actually surprised how much we say these in our day to day conversations.. anyway, I don't like them. I think its funny how we just say things without really thinking about it.

"all good things come to an end" (actually I know a few good things that are eternal..)

"you made your bed, so now you have to lie in it" (says who? made a few mistakes..who cares.. move on and make another bed if you so wish!)

"ask no questions and hear no lies" (hmm..)

"cleanliness is next to godliness" (well.. hmm.. no comment)

"ignorance is bliss" (no, actually its not. It is destructive)

"love sees no faults" (no.. no no no! If you love someone, you know their faults yet still love them..what happens if you think you are in love and then BAM you find a fault.. if love sees no faults does that mean you aren't in love anymore? Pfft)

"no news is good news" (well.. thats if you assume the world is a happy place - ignorance is bliss?)

"the first step is the hardest" (It is sometimes hard.. yes.. but statistically speaking in my history of journeys I would say that at least 83.7% of the time the hardest step appears randomly throughout the journey- Just to be picky.)

"the more one knows, the less one believes" (I pretty much hate this one)

"there is a time and place for everything" (no - no there is not. Is there a time and place for starvation, rape, murder - any form of injustice? Agreed - I may be taking this one a bit far, but it is what crosses my mind whenever I hear it)

"what you don't know can't hurt you" (well.. that is just a lie)

So there are my thoughts. Im not all Gung Ho about this by the way, just been thinking about it. Words are powerful things.. said in context, Im sure they are harmless.. but I just wonder if we say these things enough would we begin the believe them subconsciously or something? hmm.. Dont know.

1 comment:

nickflight said...

I love this blog entry. I think about this from time to time. I think that we need to be aware of how our things are typically viewed in our culture in order to ensure that we don't just take on that worldview but form our own worldview.

I haven't thought of it before but some of these quotations if taken on as truth can cause us to live in what Morpheus calls "the matrix" and what the Bible calls "darkness"

good blog coz