Sunday, November 22, 2009

touchy topic

Is it racism? Or culturism? Or socio-economicism? How about locationism?

When I tell people about my plans to go north and teach in an aboriginal community, they usually respond one of two ways...

1. 'That's awesome.'


2. 'Why?'

There have been quite a few negative comments thrown my way by close friends recently..

"why would you bother living with people who will treat you like shit no matter how hard you try to fit in?"

"they are dirty and rude-you won't last"

"surely you could have found a job somewhere else?"

Now, I'm not naive..I know this is going to be a challenge.. And I know that the culture is going to shock me.. But these comments are made with a vicious undertone of judgement and ...anger?

Similar things have been said by supportive friends and I've felt encouraged. It isn't so much the words, it is the intention of their impact.

I'm not too bothered by the amount of negative feedback I've received because it is massively outweighed by the support and positive comments, but it just makes we wonder..

I honestly don't think it is all racism..I think people would make the same comments if I said I was moving to a prodominently non-aboriginal community in the same location...same economic background and population size. Obviously there is also an element of racism too. It worries me that it is acceptable in our culture to make these comments, and that it is almost unacceptable to dispute them.

In my opinion - every community in the world has its challenges. I am looking forward to enveloping myself in a culture I'm yet to experience... challenging as it may be.

Thanks to those who are supportive..

And bigger thanks to those who aren't- because you are reinforcing how important it is that I go.. and your comments just make it easier for me to leave.

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