Monday, January 12, 2009

what now?

I knew this guy who used to give me faith that there are good blokes out there. He was lovely. I admired him for his morals and values and the way he treats women, amazing. He still managed to fit into society as a normal cool dude that everyone seemed to love. He has all the girlies running at him, yet he remained cool and calm and - a legend. It made me comfortable to hang out with him, I always felt like he was interested in me as a person, not interested in me as a girl. I like it. He soon became like a best friend. I got to know him more and began to really love him - not in a romantic lovey dovey way, just a respectful honest love for a friend.

Recently a few things have not gone his way. Financial troubles, lady troubles, personal troubles have all affected him to the point where this amazing guy has turned into what I now see as ugly. He is sleeping around with a list of girls, talking about girls as if they are objects, consuming beyond reason and living a commercially driven lifestyle. It pains me to see him living like this. He was the guy, the 'faith guy' that gave all these girls faith that there are good ones out there.. now he is just as bad, if not worse.

I feel sorry for him. I dont know what my place is in this. we are still best friends - he still confides in me.. what do I do/say to him? Im disappointed.

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