Thursday, January 22, 2009

ten years from now

I was at the beach the other day with a few champs from the coast. Someone asked me where I saw myself in 10 years time.. At the time I was a bit stumped at the thought of coming up with an answer.. but since then have been thinking a lot about the possibilities. The conversation soon moved onto marriage and kids and such.. and I began to wonder. Ten years is a long but short time. Contradiction, I know.

Tonight it occurred to me that I began grade 7 a total of 10 years ago. It feels like a long time ago, but in the same regard it feels like that time has flown by so quick!

I'm going to be 32 in ten years time.. 32. I always said (as a child) that I would be married and have a first child by the age of 27. That was always the goal I think. Now I dont think I am concerned how old I am when I get hitched or pop out a few. I am hoping that I will get to do that but not too fussed when and where I will be when that happens. As for personal goals over the next ten years... mmm.. well I would love to have travelled Europe, Samoa, South Africa, Canada, and parts of Asia, be a healthy weight, fluent in another language, much more competent on guitar, learn music theory properly, expand my knowledge by about 777%, have music on my ipod (still haven't worked it out), and have learnt to make a supremo cup of coffee.

Not a bad set of goals. I need to think of some more.

And so concludes the thoughts of Corrie Baxter this day.


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