Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I told

I told my boss I'm leaving.
It seems so much more real now.

I'm terrified. But so keen. Adventure time. Life change. Potential screw up.

The thing I'm struggling with most is knowing I'm leaving a perfectly satisfying life here. I've got it all. No worries. Beautiful friends. Supportive church. Great job. Family. Love. Ocean. Nice house. Car. Cultural acceptance.

Where I'm going there is none of that...yet.


Anonymous said...

i know exactly what that feels like, big moves are scary. but new opportunities & having to trust when you're feeling vulnerable can grow you heaps :)

nickflight said...

How exciting and scary and cool...

Its not just a cliche but reality- God is where you are going...

Corrie said...

true nick :)
and that is the only reason I'm going there...to help the locals know He is there.